I’ve been hearing a lot of ppl call what’s happening now the Neo-Civil Rights movement. I’ve heard it called the Cultural Marxist/Neo-Bolshevik Movement. I’ve heard it called a bunch of other things, a mixture of sorts, and I’m left to wonder, is that what is really happening? 1/
I think there is a significant misdiagnosis of what’s going on and that’s contributing to a lot of the confusion. What we’re seeing is definitely something new but this is not a new civil rights movement. It’s something much deeper 2/
We are in the Equal Psychological Rights Movement (EPRM). And in this movement you have ppl who want their psychological issues to be seen as normal, and given rights. Not legally per se’, but that my mental health has a right to exist and death to anyone who says it doesn’t 3/
So how does this work? When the Civil Rights Era ended, there was a major factor that no one seemed to give attention to. Some laws were passed, some money given, but there was a significant trust gap that none of those things could repair. Racism didn’t go away just like that 4/
And if systemic racism did end in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as some proclaim, the effects, mainly the trust from blacks who experienced it, didn’t end. There was a traumatic imprint that carried over into the 70’s, (as did systemic racism COINTELPRO anyone?) 80’s, 90’s, 00’s 5/
No one rightly tells a wife whose husband has beaten her for years, that she no longer need to be afraid bcuz he said he’s sorry. The signing of legislation was necessary but it didn’t change that many black ppl had little to no trust of Law Enforcement or Govt of any kind. 6/
The reason being, the signing of that bill, and Voting Rights Act and even the Fair Housing Act didn’t change the way many racist ppl act. So while on paper, things were changing, psychologically, for black ppl, they weren’t. And that added to an already under diagnosed trauma 7/
What most ppl don’t get is trauma or PTSD that gets dismissed for black ppl gets accepted, when it’s soldiers off to war, or police officers. Trauma is largely ignored when talking about the effects on black ppl. Or it’s gets push back as playing the victim etc. Case in point 8/
In 1954, a landmark Supreme Court case Brown vs. BOE reversed 1896’s Plessy v Ferguson case and integrated the public school system. The application was to take black kids and put them in white schools. And they were traumatized. They didn’t put whites in black schools tho 9/
Now that would’ve been real integration! Put white teachers and white students in black schools as well as blacks in white schools. That would’ve revolutionized the school system! But that’s not what happened. Yet blacks were supposed to get over it bcuz the law changed 10/
Another case in point, 1977’s NBA/ABA merger had major cities not going to games bcuz of the influx of black players. Then NBA Commissioner David Stern said he was told the League would not survive. But Larry Bird & Magic Johnson’s feud saved the NBA. Bird kept whites watching 11
I could list countless examples to timeline up to this moment but it’s not the only point I want to make. In the last 10 years the idea of mental health has risen to be apart of the national conversation. With the growing rate of Autism in children, ppl are paying attention 12/
Autism awareness made us more sensitive to mental health issues, such as bipolar, BPD, OCD, and many others. What would’ve been seen as oddities before, are now normalities for many. And with the help of the no bullying movement from the 90’s, we have become more accepting 13/
Add to that the increased normalization of Trans, non-binary, gay rights, the triggering of different opinions, and the need for safe spaces, particularly on college campuses, you have a frustrated demand to have the psychological state of ppl recognized as normal. 14/
But to whom are these demands made? The people who have been at to the top of the ethnic food chain in America since its inception. Whites. Mainly white males. Specifically those in power. That’s what this movement is. It’s not racial. It’s ideological. 15/
It’s the variation of and blending of Traumas (Intersectionality anyone?) that people have experienced, have all come together to form a chaotic, flurry of flying fists hitting and demanding not to be hit back. The priorities are different which is why there’s chaos. 16/
But underneath it’s the same. Acting out of a Traumatic imprint that had been largely ignored and or dismissed. And for the first time in history, the collective traumatic conscience is coming after what they perceive to be the problem. The inherit “disorder” of whiteness. 17/
This may be biased but the black claim has seniority. Not BLM seniority, I could care less what they think, but the pathology that made blacks prone to criminality, violence, welfare, all with no impediments at all, just a failure to succeed, is the trauma for many blacks 18/
Welcome to the Equal Psychological Rights Movement! And buckle up. We’re going to be here for a while...19/
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