1/7 There have been so many times in 2020 when I truly didn't want to read the news or twitter in the mornings-knowing that when I do, it will only be more heartbreaking. COVID deaths & economic fallout. Racial injustice & the seemingly never ending fight against systemic racism
2/7 Today as I logged on, I knew that catching up on the horrific fires raging across OR (and the entire west coast) would be another time when updates add to the heartbreak. Where scrolling through images would be a hard thing to do.
3/7 From Southern OR to Willamette Valley to the outskirts of PDX-Metro, these fires are destroying homes, structure, & communities. Every hour more and more. Entire communities like Mill City look to be lost. Areas already hit hard by lower tourism will now have to try & rebuild
4/7 COVID is not going away any time soon. Systemic racism and inequality is going to take decades of hard & unwavering work to unwind. And communities, many in rural parts of the state, will now have to - if they even can - start over.
5/7 And we have to throw in an already contentious election to close out 2020. It feels - and is - overwhelming. But trust in our humanity. Think of seemingly small gestures and support that can ultimately have a huge impact.
6/7 Take time to thank teachers, front line workers & others dealing w/ new realities of COVID. Continue to support BIPOC led companies on a weekly basis as you are able. Pick a fire affected community and see how/if you can help in any way.
7/7 This year has been overwhelming, heartbreaking, maddening, & a thousand other things. To get out of it will take a million small gestures of support. A phone call, $5 purchase, or volunteer time. We all need each other. Let me know if I can do anything to help any of you.
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