Ya'll are about to hate me for what I'm about to say:

I don't make excuses for what I'm a part of. I truly understand the scale of suffering dealt onto the world by the US military and that I'm a part of that. So sure, I'm a murderer. And I don't intend to stop. Here's why: https://twitter.com/RadEmpanada/status/1303079913516400640
Moral purity doesn't pay the bills. It doesn't feed you nor your friends and family. Doesn't keep anyone housed, or clothed, and it sure as shit doesn't keep you alive on this god forsaken planet. And these aren't excuses. It's a cold acknowledgement of reality.
You say we should just quit? That the consequences of quitting are better than being a part of the war machine? Sure. That's easy for you to say. But no rational person would ever make that choice. Why? Because most people wouldn't condemn themselves to poverty for other people.
Especially for people they don't know. Are you running an support organization for service members who WILL get dishonorably discharged (some of whom will be thrown in the brig first) for quitting? Will you meet their needs once they're out? Will you feed them? House them?
Find them jobs that won't blacklist them for being dishonorably discharged/thrown in the brig? Hell, I got honorably discharged and even I struggled to find a decent paying job that was enough to sustain JUST ME. It got worse once I got married.
So If the answer is no and all you're offering is the moral satisfaction of not being a murderer, then I'm afraid your words are empty. Worse than empty honestly. They're straight up insulting. How dare you?
How dare you condemn others for doing what they've done to survive in this world? How dare you look down on us and demand we condemn ourselves to suffering as if that's an alternative anyone would ever realistically choose?
It's a lose lose for us but you get to feel good about yourself all the while not actually helping us get out of this.
I think this is the part of the left I hate the most.
Those of you who moralize about what people SHOULD do, about how things SHOULD be, while offering no viable alternatives yourself, and then having the fucking audacity to shame others for the thing they're doing.
Talk talk fucking talk is all you motherfuckers do while offering NOTHING anyone would ever realistically choose, while you sit comfortably in a position completely detached from the consequences you're asking others to CHOOSE to suffer. Fuck that, and fuck you.
If I could easily find another job separate from the military that paid me the way they do, that met my needs the way they do, I'd absolutely fucking take it in a heartbeat. But it ain't the fucking easy. It's never been that easy.
So until we make it that easy, demanding people fuck themselves over ain't the fucking way to change things. Because that's not how people work. People gravitate towards who/what meets their needs. That's how the game goes.
So unless you can meet people's needs, shut the ever living fuck up telling people to just quit and endure whatever hardships that come with it.

Let me clarify something. It being hard to find a decent paying job isn't the problem. Living in poverty while looking for a better job is the problem. I've been poor and lemme tell ya, I'd choose the military over poverty in every fucking time. https://twitter.com/rico_rants/status/1303711653444362240?s=20
Addendum 2:
Another thing people don't realize is that the reason so many people stay in, is because they're fucking terrified of the civilian sector. It is absurdly fucking hard to survive as a damn civilian in the country. That's the government's fault too.
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