1/ Earlier this year, while working in an #LTC with a #COVID19 outbreak, I celebrated a resident’s birthday I’ll never forget. Our team was exhausted after seeing residents for more than 12 hours, and then I met “Maria.”
2/ Before the pandemic, her large extended family, cooked her favourite foods and sat with her daily during meals. They helped her to take her pills, and to translate for the staff, as she didn’t speak English.
3/ “Maria” had suffered greatly with the lockdown. Despite being isolated, Maria contracted COVID-19. She was exhausted, unable to speak, and listless. When we called her family to give them an update, we learnt it was her 90th birthday.
4/ Her family teared up, having not been able to see their beloved Abuela for months. They had also never missed her birthday before! At that moment, we resolved to do the best we could to help.
5/ “Maria” initially looked puzzled when we went into her room again. But she was instantly filled with joy when we started singing “Cumpleaños Feliz,” which we had just learned. She smiled & clapped: “Gracias! Gracias!” We all had tears streaming down our cheeks.
6/ Society often forgets about those who live behind the doors of LTC homes. But the people there are our neighbours, relatives, parents, grandparents and loved ones. They are not “others,” but people just trying to live out their lives with meaning and purpose.
7/ And LTC homes continue to be under-resourced, in spite of the efforts of many incredible advocates. Our governments must act now to legislate minimum staffing levels & family caregivers as essential. It’s time to give our seniors the care, treatment and respect they deserve!
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