1/3 Since Adolf Hilter is trending let's take a moment and do a real comparison. Find out which world goverment most closely parallels #Nazi #Germany #3rdReich
Many #American only look at national news. Time to look outward & take heed beforehand #FreeandOpenIndoPacific #Xitler
2/3 Many distractions are going on inside countries worldwide preventing citizens from giving their attention to #4thReichChina antics that have serious #Geopolitical ramifications #Chinazi #CCP loves this & in fact may be at the root of the turmoils. #HongKong #UyghurHolocaust
3/3 Now #India #Mongolia with a strong chance of #Taiwan being the next target. Prior to #USA entering #WWII there was influence peddling by Adolf Hilter & #NaziGermany within #USA It exploited our policy to keep us out of the war for years. #China has 260 camps #Auschwitz
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