1/4 Over 200 UI parents came together a while ago in an effort to get information and transparency from the Big Ten regarding the health and safety protocols involving our kids as both athletes and students. With all the diversity, backgrounds and opinions involved, politics
2/4 and personal agendas were never mentioned once. Despite our personal feelings, we had a goal and we came together and stuck to it, we still work towards that goal daily. Since that time, we have seen the same evolve at numerous Big Ten schools. Local, and national media
are relied upon for sharing accurate information with no bias. When media, and other outside sources bring politics into our cause it diminishes our efforts and distracts from the message. Posting a picture of a candidate dancing with dictators or of another candidate blowing
in a young girl's ear has nothing to do with what we are trying to accomplish nor does it fit within the realms of sports reporting. I see this as using our efforts and our kids to try and further a cause and it pisses me off. It is devicive, destructive and becomes the story.
The other side must respond, creating another response and so on until the true objective is lost. Now we, as parents, have to caution or kids on who they talk to, to be guarded for fear of what they say being skewed to fit a personal narrative. People are suffering.
Issues such as mental health, closed businesses, lost revenue, lost jobs, lack of leadership, lack of protocols and personal health just to name a few should be the sports story.
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