Britney Spears never had a mental breakdown. When TMZ emerged in 2005 they set out to make Britney their meal ticket at whatever cost. The public had a fascination with her and they made a business out of 24 hour coverage to feed that and drive up site hits.
She wasn’t necessarily doing anything interesting during this time. She was a new mom running errands daily. So In a Truman show like fashion they increasingly put her in situations to drive viewership and site clicks by raising the bounties on her photos.
Once similar sites and companies saw how much the public cared about seeing Britney, marketed to the world as a perfect Barbie looked in real life without all the bells and whistles the market for more pics and videos skyrocketed
It was like the Truman Show, but in real life and the world was watching. Now add X17, Perez, Xtra etc. to the mix the bounties for candids of her goes up and because of all the money in the pot to be made she’s aggressively pursued
Most times with her months old babies with her. The public consumption was at all time high and publications didn’t care that her and her babies were in harms way, they’re ratings and site clicks were booming and their headlines about her being unfit and crazy fueled the clicks
Now that the narrative that she’s “crazy” is out there its stuck with readers and paps are pushing and prodding her in order to get her to make any noise, face or sound that can be sold to accompany this narrative
Couple this with very real life things she’s experiencing in her life at the time. Her aunts passing, a divorce, custody battle, a family riff, shady friends, of course she was gonna react to paps poking at her for a reaction.
The night she attacked the paps car she was being harassed and harrassed with questions while trying to speak with Kevin in regards to custody. What should have been a private moment. Of course the attack photo was sold and posted out of context..
To this day ppl believe she just randomly attacked the pap because of a “meltdown” or cause she was “crazy”
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