Archive discovery of the day: tucked away in a BBC Schools prog, Looking at Television (8 May '63) is an extended clip from The Big Donkey (31 Mar '63), a play otherwise lost; wr. Stewart Love, dir: Herbert Wise, w Tom Bell (below left) and Joseph Tomelty
My sense is that early programmes about TV contain a host of extracts from shows that were later wiped.
A contemporary tale of the Belfast dockyard, it was part of 'a season of new drama' for 'The Sunday Play' - "all by modem authors and all with a common human denominator: they are plays about people today," as Radio Times trailed the broadcast.
Transmission was just after Sydney Newman had joined the BBC from ABC TV, having been successful with contemporary plays for 'Armchair Theatre', and this group was clearly a precursor to The Wednesday Play (1964-70) and Play for Today (1970-84).
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