Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me for the 100th time, I'd be an idiot to trust this formation.

And if it pumps right through, I'm sure it will be a happy day for almost all of us, but I'm not counting on it.
$ETH update

Previous tweet predicted breakout to the pip (50 cents off).

The next part of my prediction is not playing how I expected though.

The "breakout to bart reversal" is typically all strength until a big dump. Here we retraced and survived, I'm expecting 380~ now.
$ETH update

Predicted 380~, got 378 on the retest. Close enough.

Obvious bear div here, I think it may be time for some downside. With that said, crypto is heavily reliant on equity markets atm. If equities randomly moon near close today, that bear div won't mean much.
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