. @liamkerrMSP highlights that concerns do not just relate to freedom of speech, incl the burden on the committee to get through so many responses in a short time. With such a heavy focus on part 2, there is chance that the rest will not receive the right level of scrutiny.
Worth exploring the idea of inclusion of sex based hatred - including the message that sends.

Thank you @liamkerrMSP!

Quoting dsdfamilies now on VSC - brilliant
Oh we get a mention regarding our concern in submission on whether we could have faced prosecution during GRA campaign.

Until we have case law, people will find themselves in court.
Agrees with Faculty of Advocates that there is no option but to redraft.

Bad legislation is not way to stop bad behaviour and may miss chance to pass a law which will protect people.
. @patrickharvie raised a point asking why other groups should not have "stirring up" protection as it exists for race. He should read @mbmpolicy if he really wants to understand why.
We have no doubt @HumzaYousaf faced abuse but, as Liz Smith says, the problem is in the drafting.

He is asking why other groups should not have same protection.

Except women, eh, Mr Yousaf?!
Quoting VSS saying that vistims should not have to wait another parliament.

Again, however, women do have to wait. Other groups are currently covered, why are we second class citizens in Scotland?
. @RhodaGrant asking why women have to wait so long for protection against misogyny.

We all have duty to protect each other, but this bill pits people against each other.

Also concerned with removal of intent - an important principle in criminal law.
"We don't just need a law on hate crime, we need a good law"

Government backbenchers mustn't defend bad drafting but the national interest.

It would be Labour's duty to vote the bill down if it is not amended
. @Liam4Orkney agrees with Law Soc that free speech doesn't just include the freedom to say the inoffensive.

Impressively wide cross-section have raised concerns regarding free-expression. How has gov antagonised so many so completely? Likens to OBFM
Amendments at stage two would be too late - esp in process that is already tight for time.

Need to be able to take amended bill to committee.

In attempt to make bad people nicer we should not make good people criminals
. @murdo_fraser now citing the trial in France of those responsible for attack on the Charlie Hebdo office.

Welcomes removal of Blasphemy but part two reintroduces it under another guise.

Charlie Hebdo cartoons would likely be prosecuted under this law. Even possession of a copy
In any open, liberal, democratic society people should have right to discuss anything in robust terms.

Worried about cancel culture - Germaine Greer and @jk_rowling became victims of the mob.

Freedom to hear only ideas with which you agree is no freedom at all.
Fulton McGregor is also citing use of "stirring up" regarding race.

We've said before, but this is a good review from MBM https://twitter.com/mbmpolicy/status/1303711710570844166?s=20
Also quoting the funded groups which agree with the gov.

Bill isn't perfect - they all agree on that.

In which case, why are they dead set on pushing this poorly drafted piece of legislation?
Mary Fee - important to consolidate hate crime.

Concerned about part two - creates more problems than it appears to solve. Not sinister, but it is open to misinterpretation. Police Officers should not have to police what people think or feel.
. @RBFMaguire all agree that hate crime is a blight. Also agrees freedom of expression is a cornerstone.

Religious constituents have raised concerns.

Women campaigning for sex-based rights will need reassurance that they won't be criminalised (thank you)
Women will also need to know when the working group on misogyny will be formed.

@liamkerrMSP reminds that it has been announced that this has been postponed due to covid
Liz Smith reminding Parl that they were warned at the start that Named Person wasn't workable.

SG is not listening to advise and stakeholders - if they proceed, they will be making bad law.
This bill is illiberal, intrusive and deeply flawed
. @ProfTomkins says committee currently considering the defamation bill which also raises important issues around free speech and the balance of rights.

Hopes that the committee will continue to be forensic and informed when considering hate crime.
Test should be one of necessity - until it is shown to be necessary, rights should not be restricted.

Hate crime may suffer same fate as NP and OBF. Either it will quashed by courts or repealed. Let's learn lessons and get it right the first time.
Shona Robison says bill was based on Bracadale recommendations and at the time objections were not raised. Gone from broad consensus to where we are now.

Oliver Mundell says that they supported broad proposals but it's how they've been taken forward.
Liam McArthur asks if she agrees it would be helpful to for Gov to make response before stage 1

Robison starts talking about rise in hate crime and victims
@JohannLamont says that we must not delegitimise those making concerns and suggest that they are therefore not opposed to hate crime.

It is not beyond wit of parliament to produce a bill that would satisfy VSS.
Notes exclusion of misogyny. Women continue to experience violence and denial of rights.

Working group and amendment at stage 2 will not address that.
Magnificent comment from @JohannLamont on Patrick Harvie's denunciation who "sat as judge and jury" on a cross party group of MSPs who attended a meeting on GRA
PH suggests she shouldn't be listening to people who make spurious complaints about him (I think he means us!)

@JohannLamont says it is not spurious when you are accused of transphobia and bigotry which could see you prosecuted under this bill. 💚🤍💜
Sandra White says bill well intentioned but has concerns it will have a chilling effect on free speech.

Who defines stirring up?

Going to court takes months
Need to come together to produce something fit for purpose
Graham Simpson very concerned as a former journalist.

Right to insult or be insulted is important but an insult could see you jailed.

Attack on what you can say and write and that is sinister.

Mentions @jk_rowling who was attacked over gender row "good for her"
Deeply illiberal bill with woolly words.

Agree with newspaper society - could be legal route to close down controversial opinions. Newspapers should be able to publish without fear or favour.
And I have to rush off! Nooo. Head to @mbmpolicy!
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