Hey, what ever happened to the "COVID kids develop Kawasaki disease" storyline that was used to terrify parents back in April or May?

Well, the CDC didn't forget - they published a report on August 4 on the... wait for it... *565* total cases in the US.

Through September 3, there have been about 515K cases of COVID-19 in children.

There are roughly 55 million school-aged children in the US.

So, to recap:

- Less than 1% of all school-aged children in the US have tested positive for COVID;

- Of those, about 0.1% developed Kawasaki-like disease (MIS-C);

- Of THOSE, only 1.8% (10 total persons) died.

So, I wonder why you never heard these numbers?
Just to drive home how small these numbers are - here are the top causes of death from 2018.

- 13 times more children died of strokes and aneurysms than the 10 known to have died of MIS-C/COVID;
- Twice as many kids died of cancer than EVER HAD MIS-C/COVID.

Infintesimal risks.
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