Lots of young men with no friends, living with their parents, not working, no capital (whether social, financial or otherwise,) no romantic partners, no sex, I know, why dont we throw in UBI & legalised Weed into this mix? Perhaps medicalise these young men too? Whaddy’all think?
Yep, we can just label all these young lads as ‘autistic’ rather than look at the bigger picture in respect to wider changing trends that have occurred in society to create a situation whereby young lads have less friends, sex, partners & jobs than previous generations of men did
& if we legalise Weed - well known for increasing levels of motivation - & add in a UBI too then that will be sure to improve matters no end in this respect.
The future for young men is gonna be lit. Weed, computer games, monthly stipend from the government for doing nothing, mum’s basement all to yourself, no responsibilities. Brilliant.
& we know that single, unemployed, sexless men with no capital, responsibilities, prospects or future are likely to be drawn to the more moderate forms of politics & ideologies that are out there, so everyone’s a winner from this arrangement basically.
Young men without any responsibilities or means of investing in wider society in any meaningful way are very much something that we don't need to concern ourselves with or worry about. As I say, we can just medicalise them if necessary, thats fine.
They are very unlikely to cause us any problems, especially if we legalise Weed, its not as if smoking Skunk or ingesting edibles that are 90% THC has ever been known to cause any problems is it?
Anyway, nothing to worry about in any case. If young men are unwilling to work then we can just import lots of ppl from abroad to do the work they wont do, its not as if high levels of immigration in short periods of time create backlash effects & polarise our politics is it?
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