🧵Decision by Swiss Supreme Court not to revisit CAS decision on Caster Semenya isn't surprising, given the Swiss deference to arbitral decisions

But is does show a design flaw in int'l sports governance: No accountability or recourse when fatally flawed science is in play ...
In fact, every day that goes by & the flawed IAAF research isn't retracted, continues the cover-up

It's never too late to uphold scientific integrity & it remains a mystery why @BJSM_BMJ has shielded IAAF from following normal scientific standards
But wait
There's more
We discovered another fatal error in another paper cited by IAAF purporting to identify a clear demarcation in T ranges for men & women

In fact, there is a complete overlap
In this case, scientific norms were followed & the journal (Clinical Endocrinology) required an Erratum be published
But wait
There is more

To implement the IAAF (WA) Semenya regulations requires violating the @medwma Helsinki Declaration that both IAAF & IOC have declared that they follow
There is no denial that

➡️IAAF (WA) research is fatally flawed
➡️IAAF regulations require violating basic principles of medical & research ethics

WA says openly that discrimination required in this case & thus makes irrelevant flawed science & poor ethics
This is all bad enough

But even worse is within WA, CAS & now the SFT, there is apparently no institutional capacity to right these undeniable wrongs (specifically, bad science, poor ethics)

Mix in a scientific cover-up (BJSM) & we have a complete set of institutional failings
Let me be absolutely clear

None of these institutional failings have anything to do with Semenya or your/my views on sex/gender/sport

These failings are substantive & procedural

The ends justify the means is not a foundation on which governance should be built
These views are of course my own
I've benefited immensely & learned much from collaborations with @Scienceofsport @boyeerik @Madeleine_Pape @MitrP & more

And of course we should all learn from the dignity shown by @caster800m when faced with institutionalized injustices

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