1. "In less than 20 years, the proportion of never-married Americans has risen from 21% to 35%, a 14-percentage point increase." @WendyRWang @FamStudies https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-share-of-never-married-americans-has-reached-a-new-high
2. The "marriage divide" in being never married by income emerges around 1990: @WendyRWang @FamStudies
3. Big part of the story here is Men Out of (Full-Time) Work. The growing # of men who aren't working full-time are *much less likely* to have ever married. 👇 https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-share-of-never-married-americans-has-reached-a-new-high
4. "Lower-income men experienced sharper fall in employment since 2000 than female counterparts, which could hurt their marriage prospects... share of employed lower-income men dropped from 60% in 2000 to 48% in 2018 [while] lower-income women’s rate dropped from 48% to 44%."
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