The attempts to control use of the noun woman and its plural are intensifying. Do we need more evidence that this is an attempt to control how we speak and think? Well on way to it being “literally” impossible for us to use the word woman in public life. Not new to say that
Orwell’s 1984 was not supposed to be a blueprint for future behaviour but, instead, a warning which would ensure that reasonable people would see the signs of totalitarian creep. That our Parliamentarians, academics, thinkers are still, in the main, unwilling to take a stand
is a shocking indictment of our society’s priorities. It’s a terrible cliche, but there is no compromise to be made with people who wish to destroy the basis of how we see the world and our freedom to describe it. In this regard “progressive” politicians from
Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Malta (laughably) and now Scotland are leading the charge. Women and children (and their rights and protections) are in their sights for now but it won’t stop there, as many people on here are eloquently describing.
The evidence of a growing tyranny by the smiling armies of the self-described virtuous are lost on politicians too absorbed by their careers and the next election. What happened to @VanRapeRelief should have brought down the federal government in Canada. That publicly funded
@stonewalluk and @StonewallScot, as well as parts of the government ( @cpsuk ) feel confident to misrepresent the law should be a national scandal in the UK. That the @scotgov could introduce a bill so utterly illiberal as Hate Crime Bill in the face of the opposition of
every legal body without making daily international headlines is breathtaking. How long until the first prosecution in Scotland for using “woman”, as it is taken to stir up hate? After all, the bill doesn’t require any intention to be proved. Perhaps we truly are decadent.
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