In 7 years, my son, Griff, will be a “13 year old boy with autism.” Pissed doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings...
Can you imagine the guilt the mom will now experience because she tried to go back to work & her child had a hard time adjusting to the new schedule, so he got shot by the police?
There’s a reason that I’m struggling to figure out being a freelance graphic designer right now. I haven’t applied to a full-time gig in over a year, and when I do, it’s met with thoughts of how Griff will react to the change.
My wife’s work schedule is difficult, & rightfully so, bc people expect to have nurses w/them overnight at the hospital. She does this schedule so she can help take Griff to his therapies & appointments that he needs during the day, or to give time to James while I’m w/Griff.
Still, I’m met with the self-inflicted concern that I’m not doing enough for my family bc of the job situation. I’ve been depressed because of it...really, really depressed.
I don’t bring it up, because frankly, it’s not anyone else’s issue to deal with...but I want to make it clear that parents of special needs kids are likely constantly fighting an interior battle with themselves over what is the best to do for everyone involved.
Yet, here we are, a parent of an autistic child calls police to help her get her kid under control because he is having a hard time adjusting to the change...who may be bigger than her...and they come and shoot him.
And please, come at me with the “he should’ve listened to police and he wouldn’t have gotten shot” defense. I’ll gladly make you well aware where you can shove that...I may even shove it there for you. Bet.

The end.

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