Everyone repeat after me. And say it to your friends, family. Retweet the f*@%k out of it. There is a way out of this pandemic, but @realDonaldTrump, @VP, @SWAtlasHoover, @MarkMeadows & @senatemajldr are going to get more people killed. 1/
The game now is to gaslight as many people as possible about the pandemic with @GOPChairwoman, @kayleighmcenany & @Alyssafarah working harder than Leni Reifenstahl at Nuremberg to put lipstick on this pig of an Administration. 2/
We need tests. Millions of them. We need to "know our epidemic." The bulls*$#^t from @WhiteHouse about protecting the vulnerable and letting it rip for everyone else is medical and public health malpractice. 3/
We need massive support to local and state governments to ramp up testing, tracing, isolation, provide support for everyone who is crumbling under the weight of this pandemic. If you can f$&^king shovel tax cuts to the rich on a regular basis, you can do this, Mitch. 4/
And stop with the medicine by press release. We need a drug screening, clinical trials infrastructure that can get data on new drugs now. Why can UK do it & we just issue EUAs on hydroxychloroquine and plasma with no data though tens of thousands are taking these things now? 5/
And if one vaccine company takes an EUA from @realDonaldTrump with sh%tty data, they should be pariahs forever. Adrian Hill, I am talking to you sitting across the pond with your ego the size of the European Union you just left. 6/
Everyone wants schools to reopen, to go back to work, but wishing doesn't make it so. We do it the right way and we minimize infections and deaths. We follow @realDonaldTrump and its gets worse and worse. 7/
Yes, things will get better with @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris but I don't think people realize the extent of the damage that has been done and how hard it will be to get back to normal even in 2021, 2022. Yes, it's that bad. 8/
And governors? A few Republicans like @CharlieBakerMA & @GovLarryHogan are trying to do their best, but the rest of them are accomplices in all this. Even if @realDonaldTrump loses in November, the @GOP is a barrier to us getting through this, epidemiologically, economically. 9/
“Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends," said the great Joan Didion after the death of her husband in the early 2000s. Now, we have life after life extinguished and the lives of us left behind are altered forever. 10/
This is an event like WW1 or WW2--forget the war analogy--but lives on either side of these cataclysmic periods in history were never the same. Education, work, love--all will change, but we think the door to the past is still open to walk through, later, when it's "over". 11/
So, as the great Larry Kramer once said of another epidemic in another time, "plague, plague, we are in the middle of a f*%king plague...we have a president who pits people against one another...and I am telling you: unless we get our acts together, we are as good as dead." 12/
Think I am too angry? You're not angry enough. Right now we're walking to the slaughter with a politeness & sang-froid, which is just remarkable. @realDonaldTrump's followers will gladly trail him down into the pit. But what about the rest of us? end/
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