FWIW, Mr. King owns a home in Florida. His neighbors are mostly wealthy conservatives who spend a lot of money in local elections convincing people they have a shot at the "big time". They're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. https://twitter.com/stephenking/status/1303472348386013186
I dive all over the world. Have noticed in conservative areas, scuba mentality is "let's dive and kill stuff." Liberal area mentality is "let's dive and see stuff". Florida is the worst divers I have ever seen. They think the ocean is there's to kill. Speargun on every dive boat.
Also, Florida generally treats their state like a toilet. Literally, the cities sell processed human waste to sod farmers. The soil phosphate levels are off the charts and then sod get sold around state creating runoff pollution. When algae prob happens, they all wonder why.
In a nutshell, these are not the smartest people in America. They continue to elect conservatives to local and state positions that destroy their natural systems in the name of development, instead of finding ways to improve what is already developed. FL is almost a lost cause.
The saddest part of that is that Florida is an amazing landscape. One of the best the states have. From coral reefs to wetlands and glades to dry prairie and forests. The wildlife is absolutely incredible and diverse. And it's all disappearing at alarming rates.
Florida desperately needs an influx of liberal minds. And not just for voting statistics, but to change the economy for positive growth AND conservation to save the state. Mindset has to change all the way down to taking photos instead of fish when diving. Real sustainability.
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