#Brexit things are getting ugly.

This @michaelgove statement about his call with @MarosSefcovic basically amounts, in EU eyes, to: "that’s a nice treaty you have here. Shame if anything happened to it” /1
The British Government reiterates its "commitment" to the Irish Protocol in one breath, while legislating to re-write it in the other - IF it doesn't get the outcome it wants in the Joint Committee negotiation. /2
Mr Gove "hoped Joint Committee discussions would reach a satisfactory conclusion"...

Given move in UK Internal Market Bill, how can that sound anything other than a threat.

Understand call with Sefcovic was "very tense". I bet. /3
The EU will work very hard not to take the bait here, but this is where things can get very ugly.

Like this tasty @MrHarryCole @nick_gutteridge story in the Sun today on EU threatening to "block" GB food exports to NI /4

No doubt there is brinkmanship going on in these negotiations - the EU says it can't do a third country listing until UK sets out rules for SPS (Animal/Plant health)...see @MichelBarnier here /5

The point is that brinkmanship aside, if the UK govt is briefing the sun on food blockades...that's almost comically an expression of a seige mentality in No 10.

Literally: We. Are. Under. Siege. /6
The EU will watch and wait and see if this is precursor to a deal.

Or the start of a slide into 'no deal' - as increasingly they feel it must be.

Either way, wind up your trebuchets; put the hot oil onto boil; post guards on the battlements; God for Harry and all that. ENDS
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