Today and tomorrow, I’m participating in #ScholarStrikeCanada. Join us, in whatever way you can.

“Scholar Strike is a labour action/teach-in/social justice advocacy happening on September 9-10, 2020.” 
Today I’ll be asking:
Where are the Black and Indigenous voices in #TheatreHistory?
Whose plays are we assigning? What theorists are we reading? What historical theatrical traditions do our classes focus on?
What message does it send our students—about the field, about their own practice, about their place in or relation to theatrical history—if survey courses focus primarily on white western theatre?
What messages are we sending about the stories that matter if the theory we teach starts with Aristotle and ends with Brecht?
I’ve also been thinking a lot over the past week, in the context of #freeSZFE in Budapest, about academic freedom.
As scholars in Canada, we have the opportunity to work for change. We have the opportunity to address systemic discrimination through our teaching, through our research, through our artistic practice.
You can follow @quirk_catherine.
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