Can't wait for the "THERE WAS NO PLAN" people to begin the same conversations they've been having for what feels like forever... *sigh*

First part of this isn't news. Rian said as much. They went over several options during early development.
As for the second part, about Palps, I mean...yeah? I guess? It obviously wasn't a normal production. They threw out a script and then went full speed into still meeting the deadlines for this thing. And think about what the project was. Episode IX. I'd be shocked if...
...they didn't have constant trepidation. It's not unlike George putting "there is another" in there and not knowing at all who that was or what that meant. New character? Leia? Eh, let's figure it out. Not making excuses, I'm just saying this tracks.
I also wouldn't be surprised if JJ & the top brass knew in a more concrete manner than Daisy is expressing. She can only give her POV. He might have been trying to play it close to the chest, told her, and then walked it back to avoid the loose lips we know his productions have?
People love to bring Marvel and the MCU into these things. They do it for the wrong reasons, but let's explore that for a second: Marvel actors often have no idea who they're fighting, what they're doing, what the story is outside of their dialogue, etc. Could be that?
It could be any number of things but never forget that an actor's POV is just one piece of an entire operation & process.

And this is all just me thinking about it out loud. Or in tweet. Trying to add to the frankly reductive & tiring "BUT THE PLAN" discourse.
Ultimately stories are stories. Engage with the story and engage with the behind the scenes, but to me they're separate things. Exploring it doesn't mean being an alarmist about it, coming up with ADR dialogue conspiracies, or using Filoni quotes *against* other creators.
Also, and I mean this wholeheartedly, if you're going around now saying that you feel "hurt" and "betrayed" and all that because some films weren't "planned" to your standard of detail, then I TRULY hope you never have to deal with hurt & betrayal in real life. Truly.
Last thing (for now, because I have no self-control): It really does bother me on a certain level that some of the biggest people in our space continue to be the most negative. And I don’t mean “you can’t dislike things.” I mean reductive, cynical, etc.
Also worth noting: When you watch, she says “when J.J. pitched me the film” and then “two weeks later.” Exact words matter. So that’s pitching, pre-making the actual thing. When she goes on to say she didn’t even know during filming, that could be early on. Or segmented shooting.
This is how blockbusters are made now. Tons of people left in the dark.
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