Questions I get from young people:
1. Am I immune from this virus? -> No, you are likely to have mild symptoms, but this is a nasty virus & you could face a long recovery. You don't want to get COVID- you could have an underlying health issues you don't know about. (1/n)
2. Should I just get infected & get an 'immunity passport'? -> We still don't know how long immunity lasts, & there have been some instances of documented re-infection. We don't yet know if 2nd time will be asymptomatic re-infection or more severe & how rare/common it is. (2/n).
3. If only young people are getting COVID, then what's the problem? -> No country has been able to fully shield the elderly/vulnerable as they live with us & among us. Vulnerable young = hypertension, diabetes, asthma, overweight, cancer survivors, immuno-compromised. (3/n)
4. How should I make daily decisions? -> Look at local prevalence & testing. If #s are low, then fine to go to pubs/bars/gyms. If #s are high, then be more cautious for 1-2 weeks & avoid indoor settings & get outside. If everyone is more cautious, #s will come down. (4/n)
5. Can I still go to parties & have people stay overnight? -> Look at local guidance. The more contacts you have, the more likely you'll be asked to isolate (if they test positive). Try to keep track how many people you've been in close contact with. Quality > quantity. (5/n)
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