/THREAD (1) Carole Cadwalladr cannot, bless her, let #Brexit go. But this tweet is important, because it pithily shows how Remoaners, despite their self-appointed intellectual superiority, are prone to baseless self pity, mistaking fact for opinion and illogical argumentation⬇️ https://twitter.com/carolecadwalla/status/1303589880962973698
...(3) @darrengrimes_ might argue that the opposite of Ms. Cadwalladr's views are reality: there has been a well-funded, well-connected campaign, facilitated by the pro-Remain Electoral Commission, to discredit the vote, while Remain campaign irregularities have gone untouched.⬇️
...(4) Whatever the truth, it simply cannot be called "fact" that the Brexit Referendum was "illegally subverted." However, the 'better educated', 'intellectually superior' Remainers believe it to be so. This is classic bubble thinking: different 'facts'; different 'logic' ⬇️
...(5) In fact, it's worse: they have become conspiracy-theorists. It was the Russians! The Kochs! Peter Theil! They bought the result for their own nefarious purposes. They even demanded an investigation of Dominic Cummings's 24 months in Samara more than two decades ago!⬇️
...(6) This is all pathetic. Think of the power they had on their side: most MPs & Lords, the machines and funding contacts of all the main parties, the majority of the media, the civil service and judiciary, the EU, the US State department, the party leaders ⬇️
...(7) Even if we accept Vote Leave used borderline tactics, arguing that they make the result is invalid is like Real Madrid fans demanding a replay against Hull because the referee awarded a questionable penalty. What wretched humiliation! /END
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