This Thread is generating a lot of conversation, so I’d offer some more advise to young people looking to move out from my experience. Thread.
If you wait till you can afford everything you need to stay alone, you will never move out. Once you have a steady source of income, can afford rent and some other basics, you’re good to go. Acquiring property is a long term, life-long affair, there’s really no rush or pressure.
Basics differ from one person to another. So do an audit of your lifestyle and find out the most important things you need. For me, generator was compulsory because I work from home and need my devices charged always. Food was important, so I needed pots, gas and plates.
I needed to sleep, so a mattress was in order. Country is hot, so a fan was needed. For me, these were the basics.
Something else you need to remember is to buy what matches your budget, you’d need to make a lot of compromise.

Instead of rechargeable fan, I bought the normal one, bought that small tiger Gen, bought mattress without frames and instead of a gas cooker, bought the cylinder.
Things like a refrigerator, TV, Wardrobe, shoe rack, sofa, TV stand, washing machine, A/C etc came later in their order of importance to me. Washing machine came last because I don’t have a 9-5 hence mostly stay at home, have abundant time & less clothes to wash.
For someone else who is pressed for time, always tired after work & need to wash often, a washing machine could be high up there on their list of needs. It’s all about budgeting & prioritizing. One day you’d wake up to realize all you need to complete your home is now Children 😂
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