41, 554 DEAD

Was Boris ‘shaking hands with everybody’ a comfort whilst they gasped for breath? Did drinking Lukashenko’s vodka numb the pain? I hope the promise of a Trumpian miracle made the eternal sleep a good one. (1/9
The reality is that whilst the pandemic is horrifically terrifying, what it has exposed is the true terror. Our governments have been exposed as inept and frail. Our economies are a smokescreen for mass inequality, (2/9
where the rich are protected and elevated by vaulting ambition. The rest of us are far closer to the poverty line than we could ever have imagined in our wild capitalistic fantasies.
While the well-off bravely fought lockdown with Waitrose deliveries, (3/9
zoom yoga and stockpiled loo roll. The zero hour cleaners, delivery workers, single mothers scraped a couple of tins from the food bank and defaulted on their rents. The people are only as good as society allows them to be. (4/9
Leaders are supposed to steady the ship in crisis not confound us with contradictory advice. With the UK deaths top in the world per 100,000 Boris and his cohort sell us moral duty to get the country back on its feet with a dash of guilt and blame. (5/9
Setting the scene for the future by firmly making us the scape goat should there be a second wave. The thing is we are being set up to take the blame, not only for a deadly pandemic, but for our failing economy and the exit from the European Union.
This government, (6/9
in common with many across the globe, is corrupt. Power, money and utter loathing of those they deem lesser. That’s all of us, incase you were wondering. Unless you are one of them - directly part of the club, you are there to serve. (7/9)
We serve by lapping up the propaganda and ticking the ballot. Even when we clearly have no concept of what we desire, we are manipulated into action. It’s what this government likes to call ‘the will of the people’.8/9
So when it goes awry, as it always does, it’ll be our fault. The Tory’s can not possibly be blamed for breaking the NHS! No. Not them. We, the plebs, didn’t clap hard enough. Clap, fucking clap. (8/8) (art @wefail )
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