One of the most useful things I found in preparing for the viva was reading the questions other people had here are 13 (out of many) questions (not verbatim...from my memory 🤯) that I had in my viva last week... #phdchat #phdviva #AcademicChatter #thesis
1. What would your elevator pitch be to summarise your thesis? A summary in your own words, say you met someone

2. What is your motivation to research this topic?

3. What spoke to you about a foucualdian approach , why did you choose it?
4. What have you learnt doing a doctorate?

5. What is the value of a Foucauldian approach?

6. How do you understand resistance, conceptually?
7. How does your analytical framework (WPR) complement the theoretical framework (neoliberal governmentality?)

8. Is it harder to include observational data as it is interview data? As there was more interview data than observational data.
9. Why did you exclude some aspects of your data, are you implicitly complicit in the problem?

10. Why didn’t you feedback your findings to the organisation?

11. Why did you choose to structure your case study write up in the way you did?
12. What are the implications of your research for practice?

13. What would you do differently?
There are a whole host of other sources available online which give general viva questions ... One I wish I had come across earlier is @phdvoice who has a repository of questions #AcademicTwitter #phdlife #phdadvice
You can follow @natashachoudary.
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