The black swan event that has accelerated disruption in #highered

Challenging the school + uni + work + die narrative

Via @Stanford 2025 
#mission values <3 <3 <3

#qanda #academicchatter #highered
#edflix #edtech #femedtech
What is the role of the university?

Olivier: The value proposition needs to include #employability (ability and outcome) and collaboration with industry. The world of work and study has changed, and so has the world of work.

#qanda #academicchatter #highered
Olivier: How do we draw ourself out of this huge productivity challenge?

Brimo: Is the role of university to get a job or a greater purpose? Why not both? Employers want this today

#qanda #academicchatter #highered
#edflix #edtech #femedtech #platform #innovation #disruption
Brimo: The 4-year degree was probably only designed for a small portion of the population; the Stanford 2025 model is about offering a range of alternatives – there's no one-size-fits all

#qanda #academicchatter #highered
#edflix #edtech #femedtech #platform #innovation
Reay: Universities originally designed for the elite

#posttruth world #experts are no longer wanted

We need all providers and sectors to support each other and collaborate

Solve #COVID + #climateaction

#qanda #academicchatter #highered
#edflix #edtech #femedtech #platform
Brimo on #EdFlix ––
More options beyond #MOOC and #onlinedegree
Learning isn't always comfortable

Should we call the 5 min. video lesson an "education"
#TLDR problems

Great #predatorydesign question!
#want #candy
#need #apple

#academicchatter #highered
#edtech #femedtech
Reay: Universities need to collaborate, remove duplication

#academicchatter #highered
#edtech #femedtech
Oliver: #news from facts, broadcast, to entertainment
#echochamber #confirmationbias

If you make #assessment easy, robotic – selling a poor product

Are we dumbing it down?

#academicchatter #highered
#edtech #femedtech
Scenario 1: Lawyer on a block chain project

Needs: Upskilling in distributive ledgers

Options: short course or degree in #datascience

Goal: lead team of coders

#academicchatter #highered
#edtech #femedtech
Reay: dip-in, sticky beak, intention not to complete, taster

What is success?

Should we have an education subscription model?
Like @spotify – I don't have the music on my device, I stream it, it's constantly new

#academicchatter #highered #edtech #femedtech
Oliver: Are the accreditation bodies ready for subscription education?

We need to guard against the unintended consequences
e.g. overloading – too much too quickly

#academicchatter #highered #edtech #femedtech
Reay: Providers need to engage #alumni to engage lifelong learners

Brimo: Everything is called a course now... even just downloading an article :-/

How do you show the learner you are providing something substantial?

#academicchatter #highered #edtech #femedtech
Oliver: Generational labels are no longer applicable – just stereotypes

Reay: My mother Zoom meeting hops to different learning opportunities being made freely available in the current climate

#engagement #academicchatter #highered #edtech #femedtech #ageism
Democratisation of education
#accessible #inclusive

Is this a romantic notion?

Brimo: It's an opportunity, is there will?
Oliver: Low income parents, unprepared teachers
Reay: Can we remove the obstacles to access opportunity

#academicchatter #highered #edtech #femedtech
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