Home Birth


The misconception that home births are conducted without medical intervention is on the rise. The concept of home birth or out of hospital birth began to gain popularity in the last 5 -7 years in the developed nations.
In those developed nations, a home birth or delivery at birth centres is conducted by a certified midwife or a doctor. In no way is it conducted by the lady's husband or grandmother or mother.
Pregnancy is indeed a physiological process. But the journey of pregnancy isn't the same for every woman. It's completely unique to every woman.
Some might have no issues while some might develop fatal complications.

i.e. Pregnancy can either be low risk or high risk.
Only those with low risk pregnancies can opt for home delivery by a midwife,
who gets certified by the concerned authority for delivering the baby, handling complications like excessive bleeding, neonatal resuscitation , CPR. She also carries medications to treat complications.
High risk pregnancies are never allowed for home deliveries. Some of the high risk pregnancies which occur frequently are Hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, breech position of fetus, twin pregnancies. One can develop these conditions during the course of pregnancy as well.
Short stature is also a risk factor as the baby gets impacted in the birth canal due to the small pelvis when compared to the size of the head of the baby , we call it CPD. In india short stature is a very common finding.
So, those who come under high risk pregnancies can't opt for home delivery, the midwife / doctor would suggest hospital delivery.

Midwifes do not encourage home delivery for such cases nor do they take up such cases as it might endanger the life of both the mother and baby.
Low risk : The lady once she confirms pregnancy, visits hospital throughout her pregnancy to get the regular scans and blood tests done.

If nothing abnormal occurs during the entire course of pregnancy, she can opt for home delivery.
If she / baby develops any risk factors during the course she can't opt for home delivery.
A midwife performs the delivery and stays with the lady for atleast 2 hours after the delivery of placenta.

In case any complication arises she shifts the lady to hospital immediately.

Incase there's excessive bleeding following delivery, she administers drugs /shifts to hosp
Hence one must be in the vicinity of hospital, i.e at a distance of 15 mins from hosp with transport facility in place.

The cost of home delivery in US is around 8000$.

Hospital delivery with insurance, the insurance covers it all.
This clearly shows that only those able to afford the cost who inturn will have good accessibility to hospital opt for it.

In india one can't reach the next street in 15 mins let alone the hospitals.
Datas indicate that , babys born via home delivery have increased mortality rate. Caesarean rate is low because only low risk pregnancies occur at home which wouldn't have required operation even if it had happened at hospital.
One could not forsee the complications that might arise during labour.
With numerous interventions and policies TN, has achieved to decrease the death of mother during the delivery process. Here is the data for the same.
After delivery, the infant might develop complications which needs a neonatologist's intervention.
Again, with a lot of awareness campaign and policies, TN has decreased the death of newborns.

Here's the link to the data
Home birth promoting seeman's child was born in a hospital and his child was also vaccinated.

Do not fall prey to the hypocrisy of such half baked men.

Home birth is not yet a suitable option for india. It might be in future, but not yet.
Moreover the decision to choose the type of delivery a woman wants should be that of the woman and not of the husband. A woman must have the confidence and comfort to choose.

In india a woman's consent is never considered. Its almost always the husband who takes the decision.
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