The Covid grift being run by Dems and the media is uniquely loathsome in that they they encouraged and demanded the very social and economic shutdowns they are now decrying as attributable to Trump's failure to "control the virus." For the morally challenged, it's the perfect...
...grift - no one can control the virus, and Trump has done everything Fauci, Birx, and all of the talking head scientists have advised him to do, but people are suffering and vulnerable and the media is feeding that frustration with a narrative that falsely suggests...
...the virus they've all been taught to fear can be controlled, if only Trump asked more people to wear masks, or wore one himself more often, or sooner. Or anything else they can think of. "It didn't have to be like this" is the DNC fight song, and it's a deplorable lie...
...designed to assign blame to one man for the spread of a novel virus that came from China. More and more of us are beginning to realize the massive failure of the "science" and scientists who made a number of modeling and mathematical errors early on but are now pot-committed.. the extent that they can't fold their hands now. They won't step up and admit their miscalculations because they don't have to - nobody in the media is interested in shifting one iota of the blame focus off of Trump, so there's zero pressure to explain themselves and...
...account for their actions. It's Trump's fault, damn it, and nobody's going to suggest otherwise. It's a cynical and cowardly game and it's hard to watch without throwing things, but it's the only game in town and it's not going to end until November. One way or the other,...
...Covid will vanish from the headlines starting the second week of November. Regardless of who wins, there'll be no "fierce urgency" either way - there will be no political or electoral dividends to any further investment in Covid fear mongering and performative finger-pointing.
What we'll have is a period of adjustment wherein the media dips a toe in the reality pool and finds they have no choice but to either accept four more years or ring in the new POTUS with a welcoming dismissal of Covid urgency and responsibility. They want their kids to go to... and their cities to come back to life, but not until mid-November, when those things lose political consequence. Until then, two things - keeping kids out of school and the economy shut down will remain foremost in the media/Dem Covid messaging strategy; and the...
...very same media/Dem consortium will fill the air with emotive, falsely-earnest lamentations of how "it didn't have to be this way" if not for Orange Man Bad. We deserve better - the last four years have done more to expose how horrifyingly inadequate the current legacy media..
...have become at the most basic tenets of journalism, and how much damage this state of affairs can inflict on the nation, than perhaps any period of time in our history. The fact that everything I wrote above will be proven right over the next few months is an illustration...
...of how predictably pathetic they've become.
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