In 2018, we further drilled down the tribalist aspect of it and peeled apart the idea that in civil wars, the military becomes its own actor. We did game theory on how to avoid it. Nobody is following the plan, lol.

It's important to understand where this shit flows from. It's not that Americans can't get along, it's that they're literally building their own pocket realities in which their neighbors are evil for inhabiting a different pocket reality.

And the intersection of the pocket reality engine and the social media dopamine fix and the Shiri's Scissor mechanic is almost tailor built to drive people to hate and kill each other.

The balloon was rigged to pop in probably three or four years, but our response to Covid blew a bunch of air into it. Thankfully we've managed to avoid some of the really nasty stuff that could have popped it over the summer. At least we have meat.

And if you put all that together, things look very bad. Seems to me the shit is going to hit the fan in December no matter what. I really hope I'm wrong about this. KEEP YOUR HEAD LOW.

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