
For @Unclebob001

All my recent talk about conspiracy theories can be tied into...Quentin Tarantino, whose movies I don't watch.

But I watched this.

It's very violent, but remember: The violence is FAKE.
Now, I don't watch Tarantino films because I don't watch movies with gore.


If people watch his movies, THAT SAYS NOTHING ABOUT THEM.

There area million reasons to watch his movies.
Life is not as easy as, "Watching gory movies desensitizes you to gore."

There are millions of reasons that so many people today are blockheads, but it's not movies.

To many people think everything is unreal.

Everything is entertainment.

THAT is the issue.
What causes it?

Crappy parenting. Period.

Little kids are harmed by being left to their own devices.

Neglected kids grow up not knowing anything.

Tarantino is an idiot for mocking his audiences.

Plenty of artists do it.
The early years are vital.

"Dani" was locked in a room alone for the first six years of her life.
She had nothing to do.

When the cops freed her, she was not even an animal.

A couple from Tennessee adopted her and spent the next twelve years trying to save her.

They couldn't.

When she turned 18, they turned her over to the state.
She was so destructive that the strain caused the couple to divorce.

She lives in a group home now, unable to speak or communicate.

Her father visits several times a year.
Early stimulation causes physical development of the brain.

One of the contributors to Alzheimers is mental laziness.

Use it or lose it.

You can't make blanket statements about people who ______________.
So for Quentin Tarantino to make fun of the people who made him famous is very bad karma.

The reason I don't watch gory movies is that they show a terrible lack of imagination.

I recently watched the first published video of...a living man disemboweled.
He was a Mexican narco-terrorist murdered by Mexican narco-terrorists.

I watched it because I wanted to see if the man reacted.

He didn't.

But I won't watch anything like that again.

I've seen worse. In person.
You can't capture the real thing in a movie or on a video of an actual event.

What's missing?

The fear and horror and despair and sorrow of the victim, and the orgasmic glee of the murderer.

Those are palpable.

Also the smells. You don't ever want to smell anything like that.
It's GOOD that virtually none of you know the real thing.

Therefore I don't begrudge you watching those movies.

It doesn't say ANYTHING about you.

After all, you're just watching a movie. You KNOW it's a movie.
I DO hold real-gore aficionados in contempt.

Not one-time viewers, watching something taboo.

There are Websites where people joke and share videos.

Real-gore addicts should go through what I had to watch.

THEY deserve it.
Moviegoers aren't doing anything wrong.

Violent movies shouldn't be banned, but small children should not be exposed to them.

To tie this in with conspiracy theories, READING them doesn't say ANYTHING about you.

Who knows your motivation?
But in the last thread, the mind-controlled loonies descended in all their ultra-belligerent glory, as I knew they would.

They're no different from radical leftists, who are also mind controlled.
Watching movies and reading conspiracy theories are in and of themselves neutral acts, no different than walking.

It's when you walk ON A BABY that it becomes problematic.

I've never interacted a conspiracy theorist who didn't feel superior to others.
I've never interacted with a conspiracy theorist who didn't have the need to silence dissenting voices.

They project all their own traits onto others.

That's why if you DARE to tread on their hallowed ground, they attack you.

No different than radical leftists.
Let others watch movies in peace, and let others NOT BELIEVE IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES AND EXPLAIN WHY NOT.

If YOU had GENUINE faith in your belief, you would NOT react with rage.

People insult me all the time.

They insult ME and ridicule what I'm saying.

So what?
I only block them when they become a nuisance.

Their opinions of my and my ideas are a matter of complete indifference to me.

If I wanted to, I could blowtorch beliefs left and right.

Why don't I do that?

Because I believe in live and let live.
I had to block a guy who started out with, "You're an arrogant dick who never allows people to question you, but that's okay. You be you."

Textbook passive aggression.

So I proved him wrong about not allowing people to question me, and then he lied some more.
THEN he started spamming me with insults, so I blocked him.



Conspiracy theorists are predators.

They go LOOKING FOR DISSENTERS to beat them into submission, all the while whining about how THEY'RE the victims.
Conspiracy theories by themselves cause no harm, any more than violent movies.

It's when they impact lives negatively that they become a problem.

There are no conspiracy theorists who can refrain from attacking dissenters.
Virtually ALL watchers of Quentin Tarantino movies are 100 percent harmless.

So Tarantino is an ass for mocking his audience.

He bitches when you ignore his movies, and mocks you when you watch them.

Imagine being inside his head.

A fate worse than death.


I tell people, "Conspiracy theorists can't refrain from trying to silence dissent," and it's a like summoning incantation.

@timetotryagain1 is grimly plowing ahead like a fanatical leftist, totally lacking in self-awareness, PROVING MY POINT.
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