When someone complains about the rioting(that is, civilian damage of private property and looting, not the pigs starting shit), your response should not be to point out that 93% of protests have been peaceful.

Your response should be of both approval and encouragement for more.
The left really needs to learn that there is no appeasing the right, when you do all you're saying is there's a seed of truth in their lies, be confident in your position and don't give an inch.

They identify as an attack helicopter?

Cool, be sure to ask for their pronouns.
They're joking about identifying as another race?

I guess they admit race is made up.

They point out how democrat run cities are awful?

Guess that means voting doesn't work and we really should revolt.

72 genders?

You WISH there were that few.

I could go on, you get it-
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