If you are non-native, you don't have a "spirit animal". You'll never have a spirit animal, no matter what the 4 buzzfeed quizzes you took told you. https://twitter.com/lesbianmorgana/status/1303519702262657025
"Spirit animals" (the correct term would be your totem animal/spirit guides) are a sacred part of native spirituality. The idea has been modernized and simplified for mainstream media, and unfortunately, it's very innacurate. +
A quick summary so you know what each is:

totem animal: a totem animal a spirit that stays with you for life. They act as your main "life teacher"

spirit guide: a spirit that stays with you for a short period of time. You would most likely have several in your lifetime
You do not get to choose your totem animal or spirit guide.They will come to you when you are in need of guidance, and can appear in dreams, or even draw your attention by appearing often in your everyday life. Most natives connect to their totem animals when they are young +
(for ex: I connected with mine when I was around 13) but you can connect with a spirit guide at any point in your life.
A totem animal/spirit guide is NOT the animal that you share the most characteristics with, but who you connect with the most & who you can learn the most from.
Again, if you are a non-native, you cannot have a spirit animal.

I could go on and on about this but ❌ if you have any questions feel free to ask, sorry for the long rant 💕
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