Can anyone explain this? And so why was this man appointed into positions in Aboriginal affairs?
-I'm angry. No wonder they didn't want to address the child trafficking. The 8-year Crime Commission Report. The drug cartels are operating in plain sight & unaddressed. They want to turn our countrymen against us. If you destroy the kids, there is no future.
#auspol #auspol2020
...they want the land! Aboriginal Aussies under the Keating Native Title Act treats Aboriginal Aussies as second class citizens, with a commie Land Title System. They don't own their land. They can't mine it to become independent. They only have the right to negotiate with miners
-We don't need Treaties or the Uluru Statement. We need to stop the racial apartheid, preventing local Aboriginal Aussies using their land & becoming independent. I'm afraid it appears designed to undermine our sovereignty & not for Aboriginals benefit, it's for the commies gain
K Rudd: “uncomfortable truths for Liebler. 1) Mossad forged 🇦🇺 passports for use in an assassination in Dubai. 2) They had done the same before. 3) On advice, & to protect Oz passports, I expelled Mossad from Canberra. 4) Liebler attacked me for doing so.”
...Can it get worse??? So why give him a position to control the Aboriginal Aussies Affairs?
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