Watch what people do & not what they say.

Upper West Side, with a reputation as one of the most liberal enclaves in New York and elsewhere in the country, wanted these homeless people gone.

The most liberal cities in America are also most unequal.
The most unequal places in America:

#1 Washing DC
#2 New York

and of course

California. Watch what people do & the most liberal places are those that also erect the most barriers to the poor to keep them out through regulations. NIMBY
Tweets aren't about politics but outcome & human nature. People move to nicer areas, as in Upper West Side, to avoid problems of cheaper areas: poverty, high crime etc.

Liberalism in value & actions are conservative. Working class people have more in common w/ each other.
In the super far left, people talk about equality of OUTCOME (not necessarily even about opportunity) & focus on issues like gender & race but in reality what they want is to maintain the perks of their status in society & actually don't want equality of outcome for themselves.
As in they want the same thing that everyone values, which is security, love, acceptance & being treated w/ some respect & civility.

If by having homeless people sheltered nearby = less secured & being in the same place as those w/ a lot of problems, they reject.

So what?
Economics is about the allocation of scarce resources (eg land & capital). If u want equality of outcome for all, then that means irrespective of your actions, we all get an equal share of the resources.

U can see here that people inherently don't want that & not that liberal.
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