#WalkAway "This is probably the scariest thing I've ever done but here it goes. So, I've never really been very into politics. I didn't vote in 2016 but I was expecting Hillary Clinton to win because the media said she was leading in the polls, my family also had a "anyone but 1/
Trump" mentality so that led me to believe maybe she was the less of two evils (Boy was I wrong) When Trump won, it took me by surprise.. my jaw dropped. I thought it was a joke. The media had led me to believe that Trump was incompetent and couldn't be taken seriously & that 2/
man just became the President of The United States?? I was scared to live in Trump's America. It didn't help that around that same time, YG released a song called "F*** Donald Trump" in which I, along with countless others, blindly followed without knowing a thing about Trump 3/
himself. But, it didn't take me long to get over his victory bc again, I didn't really care about politics. All I knew was, everyone HATED this man, so I kinda hated him too without cause.

Fast forward to I think it was sometime last year or early this year, I didn't like 4/
how Gavin Newsom was handling things here in California so I started attending Recall Newsom protests and found myself surrounded by Trump supporters that seemed to share alot of the same values and ideologies as me. I realized the media was SO wrong, Trump supporters weren't 5/
some racist, obnoxious a**holes like they portrayed them to be. They were among some of the best people I've ever met. They were super inclusive, kind and loving. I realized I was being lied to by mainstream media.

As I began to think more and more for myself.. I wondered, 6/
was Trump really as bad as the media says? When I got home that night, I looked up point blank: "Is Trump Racist?" on YouTube. All I found were a bunch of videos where the media was trying to twist the things he said into something that it wasn't to fit their "orange man bad" 7/
narrative. That's when I started to realize the media was bias and clearly had an agenda to destroy Trump. The things they were saying about him were completely false. He was doing WAY more good than harm. I knew there was no way I could be the only one coming to this 8/
conclusion and that's when I found leaders like Candace Owens, Bevelyn Beatty, Conservative Twins, Anthony Brian Logan, Brandon Tatum, and movements like Blexit and even this movement! I was so happy that I was not alone in this! It gave me the strength and courage to begin 9/
sharing my story on YouTube. I started reading a lot more books, watching Trump's FULL speeches instead of ones the media clip to twist into something else and I've completely turned off mainstream media for good because it's clear they're all paid to show the same anti-trump 10/
propaganda narrative. No more CNN ever again!

I'm tired of the democratic emotional manipulation tactics. Creating race wars and playing the race card all the time, constantly keeping us feeling oppressed and under a victim mentality. I'm not oppressed, I'm free. Free from 11/
the democratic plantation. ;) And I do not support terroist movements like BLM or Antifa. I've since been told by my family that I hate myself and that "I'm not black so I don't get it" cuz I'm lighter skinned. Sadly, the only hate and opression I ever faced came from my own 12/

I've been shunned by my family and many of my so called "friends" for my decision to support our president Donald Trump but I'm optimistic about the future and I plan on making new friends along the way! I #WalkedAway and I'm never looking back.
I love this country so much, let's #SaveAmerica

TRUMP2020!!! 💋🇺🇸

#Trump2020 #WalkAway #MAGA #RecallNewsom" - K. 🇺🇸
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