EVERY person that I've introduced the idea of affirmations to has noticed increased focus, better results in their chosen area of affirming, higher energy and more...

So what is it, and how/why should you affirm?
To affirm means to make a positive statement and move toward something of value to us.

You can affirm your spirituality, your values, your finances, your relationships or your body.
You should be consciously aware of WHAT you’re affirming.

If you’re unconscious, you could be affirming the wrong things and moving towards them without realising.
Your subconscious does not know the difference between real and ‘imagined’ events, it just responds accordingly.

You can use this tool to your advantage once you realise this inherent power.
Think about watching a horror movie.

Consciously you know the movie is fake, but you get an increased heart rate and your body tenses up all the same.

Your subconscious brain is just reacting.
The first step is to sit down and truly consider what it is that you want.

Without this core framework of what you value and what you want to improve, you cannot create meaningful affirmations.
With repetition, affirmations sink into your subconscious mind, you start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality.

It is not enough to only do the affirmations. You also have to do the work. But affirmations program your mind to doggedly pursue them confidently.
They overwrite any self-limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.
If you’re constantly repeating to yourself that you’re stupid, not good enough or other negative self talk, these are likely negatively impacting your life and mind.
The universe is a conglomeration of energy and information.

By focusing on one particular area and exhibiting action within this, you are directing energy to that particular thing.

Good or bad.

It is up to you what you decide to focus on.

Write down your affirmations, present tense and first person.

Some examples:
"I am confident socially and enjoy meeting new people

Money effortlessly flows towards me

I move from poverty mentality to abundance mentality
I enjoy every part of life to the utmost.

The only opinion that matters is my own."

Choose several of whatever you want to affirm!

Stand tall, in a confident and loud voice read through your affirmations.
Upon waking and just before bed are great times to do it - the more the better!

Once they are committed to memory then you can do them in the shower, in the car, wherever.
It’s common to feel a surge of energy when getting consistent with your affirmations.

This is your body and ‘soul’ responding to the positive changes you are installing in your subconscious mind.
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