mk characters i love: a thread
baraka: he's just trying his best to protect his oppressed people. looks scary, isn't all that bad (eating people aside)
mileena: can't really justify the killing but she's coping pretty well with living in her sister's shadow all things considered
kitana: i've been on both sides of this thing with my own little sister and believe me, it's not that much better being the big sister in that situation, of course she's a control freak
cassie cage: she's the whole package. tough, cute, funny, smart. can't hate her, want to be her.
jacqui briggs: have you seen her face? cute as a button. probably would be really into video games if she were a real person too.
jax briggs: just a dad doing his best, love him.
sindel: jk, frick that, she is the reason kitana obviously has borderline personality disorder
skarlet: school of hard knocks, overall bad bitch, pulled herself up by her bootdtraps
sonya blade: role model, what i want to look like when i'm 50 (heck, even 40)
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