The BGG top 20 video has me thinking about some myths about the BGG rankings.

First, The cult of the new is a myth. The real explanation for why new games tend to do well is that they are quite often better games, but also the hobby is growing. And new people buy whats in store
So, of course a game from 2007, when the BGG user base was a tiny fraction of its size now, fares poorly against a 2017 release.

This isn't a cultish behaviour, its just what happens. Like how a new movie can beat "gone with the wind" in terms of total earnings due to inflation
Next, kickstarter games do not dominate the rankings. Gloomhaven in an exception, but look at what else is up there, pandemic legacy, terraforming mars, even Brass which went to KS doesn't really count as Brass originally got to the top 10 without it.

The top is mostly non ks
The original Gloomhaven KS had less than 5000 backers. Its second one had a lot more, but that demand was driven from excellent reviews of the first KS.

Or to put it bluntly, gloomhaven is BGGs top game because a shit load of people love it. Not because KS fans are "bad voters"
The people who moan about KS games have no qualms about Through the ages shooting to the top. Why? Because its a heavy euro, which is their sort of game. Moaning about KS games and their fans is just more gatekeeping.
Rose tinted glasses abound as well, as people romanticize how the old ratings were better. Well, space hulk suffered the most blatant ratings manipulation in BGG history back in 2009. Buried because BGG users hated GWs legal action against BGG.
So, a lot of myths about the BGG top list. But all you have to remember is this one thing.

Its a self-selecting aggregate of the opinions of one sites users. Once you get that point. It becomes useful and interesting. Never think of it as something it isn't.
Also, i'd take today's top 20 over 2007s.

Games have been getting better, the industry is making better games. If they were not, that would be a sad indictment of every designers and publisher working
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