This is a famous question. The answer is, dinosaurs and human never coexisted. Jgn lah duk berangan manusia tunggang trex pegi berburu. That's Flinstone!

I'll elaborate further in next tweet.
Dinos existed during Jurassic age (around 150 - 200 juta tahun dahulu). Hence, the Jurassic Park movies. Merujuk kpd era tersebut. They fully extinct abt 65 juta tahun ago. The famous theory of the extinction is due to extraterrestrial, a massive meteoric impact.
Another theory believe tht they went extinct sbbkan volcanic activities of the Earth. Bumi jadi panas with lavas pouring everywhere. And the level of Carbon Dioxide increased drastically. How do scientists know? Geology and geochemistry 🌋
Meanwhile, it's still a debate on when was the first human (homo) appeared. The oldest theory is around 5-7 million yrs ago and began in Africa. Take note ni bukan homo sapiens. Boleh rujuk thread @zamirmohyedin utk this part.

Makanya, ada gap around 100+ million yrs disitu.
Correction: gap around 50-60 million yrs. Yes I'm bad in math. That's why I become a geologist! 🤣🤣🤣
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