Writing can be a therapeutic outlet for so many issues.

Writing in a journal can also prove therapeutic, and can also be kept private and confidential which can enable the writer to write more freely.

For survivors, this can be a place to process feelings, thoughts, and even day to day events, some of which feel too much to voice.

For those who have never kept a journal, or those who have dabbled on and off, this could be a good time to have another try.

Journaling – the main thing to remember is there is no right way. There is no set format, no rules, except any you may set for yourself.

To begin with, choosing the journal itself, and perhaps even the writing implement can be an enormous step.

Once purchased, you don’t need to start it straight away. This is a freeing activity, so let yourself choose.

As for the journal itself, there are loads on the market today – notebooks of all shapes and sizes, softcover, hardcover, fabric-covered,

ones with prompts, quotes, small illustrations. The choice is literally limitless.

Enjoying the selection process can help the journal to feel more valuable to you and can begin the relationship you wish to develop with it.

Once you have settled on a journal, allow yourself time to consider when you can build journaling into your day. Like everything, time will never likely present, unless we make it happen.

Put it in your daytimer or set a phone reminder “Journaling” to ensure you keep some time aside, even just 10 minutes/day will do it!

Again, it cannot be overemphasized, this is YOUR space to write what flows out of you.

It doesn’t have to be deep and heavy yet it CAN be. It doesn’t have to make sense, but it can. It doesn’t even need to be words – drawings are fine too.

We'll go into options in just a moment. Point is, there's no wrong way to go about it.

1. One word or sentence – like a keyword/keyphrase directory based on words/phrases relevant to you (also called BULLET JOURNALING)

2. Visual – like a scrapbook, can use polaroids and whatever else you like to paste in

3. Creativity – anything goes, words, sticking in visuals or words with glue, drawings/doodlings

4. Gratitude – journaling about what we feel grateful for, what we achieved today, what excites us, etc.

5. Health – keeping a journal about a health condition/eating patterns/tracking an addiction etc.

As well, it is worth remembering that if journaling is a form of expression you take to, you can have several on the go at one time for different purposes.

MORE TIPS: My nutritionist suggested I start a gratitude journal, and I can’t even tell you how much this journaling helped me.

I’m not really into ‘inspirational’ hokey quotes, so at first, I thought this kind of journal was pretty silly,

yet I pushed through, every day asking myself, and answering, these G.A.P. questions:

* What am I most Grateful for today?
* What did I Achieve today?
* What am I most Proud of?

This helps train your brain to redirect from negativity and reframe to positivity. No matter how small, we all have something to be grateful for, even if it’s waking up!

This is all about the concept of post-traumatic healing.

Instead of focusing on trauma, we learn to focus on ways to LIFT ourselves up, self-soothe, and help our own self-esteem by focusing on all the good we’re doing in our everyday life.

By developing this habit, we learn to heal and grow, and by writing this down, we can track our progress, see the peaks and valleys, and find out areas that need the most work.

Journaling is truly wonderful in this way.

Here are 7 steps to a healing journal

1. Start your journey from where you stand right now

The easiest and most useful way to start a journal is not by going over the past — although that has its place — but to write about what you’re experiencing right now.

How are you feeling? What are your thoughts? Why are you writing a journal? What are your hopes and dreams, your fears and anxieties? Where do they come from? How do you cope? What gives you pleasure or respite?

2. Don’t judge, just let the words flow

When you write a journal entry, don’t judge what you write. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar either. So long as you can understand what you’re saying, that’s all that matters.

Just write and let the words flow in a pure “stream of consciousness.” If you rant, rant. If you end up writing a story, fine. If you make a list of questions you don’t have answers for yet, no problem.

It’s your journal, and it’s an open-ended process of discovery.

3. Dialog with yourself

A technique often used in therapy and which works well for any personal journal is conversing with yourself.

If you’ve heard that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, don’t believe it. It’s often one of the first steps to healing.

If you remember a troubling childhood experience, for example, let the child you were “speak.”

Then on a new line, let your wise, adult self, answer. In the Tarot cards, the Fool and the Hermit represent naivety and wisdom. But they are both the same person at different stages of life’s journey.

You can use your journal as a way for your inner Hermit to reach out to your inner Fool.

4. Be thankful

Often, you’ll find all your grief and anxiety, anger and sorrow pouring out onto the page. That’s a good thing and a vital part of the healing process.

But to focus ONLY on the negative things can lead to an imbalance. It’s a good idea to finish each journal entry on a positive note.

If you can’t find anything positive in the situation yet, just write with gratitude

because you gave yourself the opportunity to “offload” in a safe space, acknowledging that’s the first step on the road to well-being.

You'll get there.

5. A journal doesn’t have to be written

If you find words won’t come at your bidding, then you can draw, paint, or make a collage on your journal pages. Never forget, the journal is your free space and you can use it in whatever way works for you.

Many people are more visual than verbal and expressing feelings this way can lead to powerful insights and healing.

6. Write in the third person

Sometimes it’s hard to write about yourself.

A good technique to use to develop insight in the healing journal is to write in the “third person.” That means writing “she” or “he” instead of “I.” It’s a simple method that helps you to step back and take a more detached and rational view

of your thoughts and feelings when needed.

7. Revise past events

In real life, you can’t go back and change past events. But you can in your journal. To bring closure to painful and disturbing experiences from the past,

whether from your childhood or earlier today, use your journal to write a better version of the events with an outcome you would have preferred.

The idea here isn’t to fool yourself but to allow you to learn why things turned out the way they did,

to fix a happier result in your mind, and give insight into ways to avoid repeating the same negative experience.

Reframing, essentially. Rewriting the ending, as if you're a fiction writer.

Another tip: write about your favorite songs. Why do they move you? The music or lyrics? I do this a lot.

Also: If you have a @Polaroid camera, take a shot each day and tape/glue it into your journal. Write about the shot and the feelings attached to it.

An EXTREMELY popular form of journaling is called BULLET JOURNALING. Maybe you've heard of it. Here's more:


What tips do you want to share with everyone? What works best for you?

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