It's the first major red flag/high fire danger day of 2020 for us here. If you live in an area that could be affected by wildfire, get set to go now. Before you go to bed tonight, do these things:
1. Turn on your cell phone ringer and turn off "do not disturb" for the night. 1/
2. Make or review your "what to grab in 5/15/30 minutes" list. Add any new medications/treasured items, and make sure that all of the locations of items are up-to-date. Here's an example- personalize it for you.
3. Make sure that your go-kit has COVID-19 supplies- sanitizer, face masks, disinfectant spray. Put the go-kits of everyone in your family next to the door/in the car. I'm still happy with this graphic, which shows go kit content. Accessible version:
4. Talk to your household about your plans to leave. Where will you meet if you are driving out in separate cars? Is there another household in a non-wildfire area that would be willing to host you if you have to evacuate? Ask now.
5. Get yourself physically ready to leave- park the car in the driveway, off the street, backed in. Don't park in your garage- if you lose power, it can be hard to open the door. If you'll need to catch a ride with a neighbor (or give a neighbor a ride), check in with them now.
6. Check one more time to make sure everyone in your household is signed up to receive emergency alerts from your local jurisdiction. Moved recently? Sign up for the new system! You should have several ways to get emergency info- don't rely on WEAs.
7. Finally, when should you leave? If you receive an evacuation order leave immediately. If you can knock on some nearby doors as you go, do so. If you get an evacuation warning, prepare to leave. If it will take you a while to leave, treat the warning like an order and get out
8. Haven't received an alert yet, but there is heavy smoke and embers in your neighborhood? Leave. Don't wait for official word- get out early. Especially if you have animals, which can take longer to evacuate.
The West Coast is in for a long night. Charge your cell phone, keep it next to your bed, and stay safe. The steps you take now to prepare will make it so you can sleep easier tonight.
You can follow @Jdlazo.
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