A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine could save countless lives. We need one as soon as possible.

But while I see a vaccine as a product of science, President Trump sees it as a political tool.

Politics should play no role in this. The Administration must answer the following:
1: What criteria will be used to ensure a vaccine meets the scientific standard of safety and efficacy?

The FDA must clarify what criteria it will use, and President Trump must commit to respecting the independent judgment of the non-political professional staff at the FDA.
2: Who will validate that the Administration’s decision to greenlight a COVID-19 vaccine is driven by science and not political motivation?

We must hear uncensored statements on efficacy and safety from @FDACBER, the @US_FDA vaccine advisory committee, and Dr. Fauci.
3: What is the plan to allocate and distribute vaccines to Americans cost-free, safely, equitably, and without politics?

President Trump should release a detailed distribution plan to ensure every American — not just the wealthy and well-connected — receives the vaccine.
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