#COVID19 🇺🇸 update -

- 194k + official deaths as of today.

- The real number is estimated to be around 20% higher.

- You may recall that Dr Fauci - in April estimated we could have between 100k-200k deaths this fall. He was laughed at and derided.

- turns out, he
underestimated b/c he thought the country would come together to fight this, and that political leaders would want to protect their citizenry.

- It’s September, and we are still re-litigating the same bullshit arguments as in March (it’s like the flu, protect the economy, etc).
- Most states in this country had less than two weeks of lockdown. TWO WEEKS WHERE THEY WERE ASKED TO STAY HOME.

- Anyway, see you when the official count gets to 250k.
P.S. - I think only using deaths is a horrible practice b/c it delegitimizes tens of thousands of folks currently experiencing #LongCovid .

I use it to drive home the point that had we listened to folks like Fauci - instead of minimizing him - we would be better off now.
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