Listening to a Broward city council candidates forum and yikes at the candidates running against higher density housing because it’ll *wait for it* bring traffic! They forget that we live in a county where there’s a lack of affordable low to moderate income and workforce units...
The state legislature has preempted local govts from mandating a % of affordable units in a new project and prevent us from passing rent control ordinances.

One of our options is to encourage higher density housing bc it comes at a lower cost to build + coordinate mass transit
Projects that will be funded through the transportation penny surtax voters approved in 2018! Unfortunately NIMBY advocates are also holding up a park and ride facility in Broward that would benefit working people in South Florida.
Sigh. I’m reminded constantly how desperately we need progressives in city, county, + all local governments.

We need young people/parents, renters, bold environmentalists, people who aren’t running to be rubberstamps, + folks who will carry out their initiatives through policy.
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