One of the reasons child abuse was not normal for people of the steppe was that if you were being abused emotionally or physically, you just stole a few cattle and left forever, or if you were a girl you ran away to a different tribe

Pastoral tribes literally could not be mean
Like if you were 12 and your dad beat the shit out of you, you already had all the skills to run away on the steppe and could just fucking leave and never see them again lmfao
What do you know, child beating is also a horrible disgusting thing in Mongolia, another pastoral steppe people

Makes you think!
In what fucking world, when your children learn how to use bows and arrows and butcher animals before they're 8 years old, when they know how to hunt & ride horses by 13, would your society be able to function with 'corporeal punishment', it only works if they have nowhere to go
Its a product of neolithic civilisation, a disgusting one at that
We have been living in neolithic civilisation a lot less longer than other groups of people, we still have for the most part the evolutionary traits and behavioural traits associated with this living, we don't have to accept the pull towards whitetrashism, we can resist it
Being an Aryan means nothing when you have been reduced to the exact same thing as the eternal Neolithic, a clodless plebe subsisting off of grains, beating your kids, and suffering from various hormonal and nutritional disorders effecting your fragile psychological state
Pure genes do not account or make up for dysgenic selection pressures, and they never will

You can degenerate a people to servile plebs without miscegenating them, and that's what whitetrash people are
We must resist this, we have to. We still have time, this is the only true whitepill, we can return to the mental steppe and backtrack all the damage we've done
This is the problem with most 'trad' people, they can only see the anti-tradition, the so-called 'tradition' enacted from our people's ushering into the neolithic world our and domestication, they see certain periods of the domestication process as 'superior', I say death to all
The only true tradition can be found before our domestication, before our descent from free aristocracy of the steppe to state servitude 'nobility' of the urban centre
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