tw sexual assault

i know i didnt speak about this earlier but its a hard topic for me but im seeing so much right now and i rly want everyone to look into the real world and stop thinking about kpop for just one second.

first of all, its clear that we have to believe the
tw sexual assault

victim first. if they lied, they will suffer the consequences themselves and that is better than blindly supporting a predator.

what is disgusting that a lot of you are using this time to make jokes and make a fool out of victims.

already they are silenced
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by the people around them. people on the internet are supposed to help boost up their voices, not mock them.
just because someone, as you would say, "came out of no where" started talking about their experiences doesn't make it less true. when it comes to
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celebrities especially, the victim most of the time will be facing consequences because of companies wanting to protect their artists. thats why so many times they make their identity hidden.

just now there are so many accounts being made where they start
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talking about an idol that harassed them only for them to reveal it was a lie and say "thats what u get for believing strangers on the internet"

how could u live knowing u are silencing victims, those who live everyday in pain remembering what happened to
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them? those who are ridiculed for wanting to speak out?
not only that, people are doing all this is all because of some stupid kpop, some stupid fanwars. if you think that harassment is something u should joke about then i hope one day u realize how much of a
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terrible person u are.

im so proud of people who
come foward and talk about their experiences. in a terrible world like this, it is incredibly hard to do that. please dont silence victims, please dont allow predators to walk around freely chasing their next
tw sexual assault


please just learn how to be a human. you all are so disgusting for even thinking for a second on how to silence a victim. and dont be selective either. even if its your favorite celebrity, it doesn't matter, always believe the victim first
im sorry if this is all over the place but i hope it can make some sense. please learn to be empathetic
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