As a former NDP volunteer and staffer, I want to impress upon #nbpoli that the current crop of people representing this party do not represent those who do or formerly identified as New Democrats.

In particular the irresponsible tweets such as this, and many more, reflect a naive and dangerous Marxist bend that has no place in serious political discourse here or anywhere else. We do NOT believe this junk AT ALL /2
I was shocked and appalled that the party leader did not immediately renounce these comments and instead doubled down, backing his rogue candidate. /3
When Roger Duguay and @DominicCardy were leader, we took a party that had no structure and discipline, and tried to build a stronger party that could effectively speak with one consistent voice. A coherent, sensible option for a province that badly needed one. /4
Prior, the lack of leadership and sporadic application of the party constitution meant that there was no consistency both within the platform itself, or between candidates campaigning from riding to riding. It was a mess. /5
NB badly needs a 3rd option, even now - we tried to fill that void by getting the NBNDP organized & bringing progressive, social democratic policies forward in a way that made sense to the electorate & did not preach doctrine - just offer solutions like a prog party should /6
I am shocked that an ELECTED NDP MP is asking Ontarians donate to this profoundly unserious, disorganized group that does not reflect New Democratic ideals of pragmatism, bridge building, and providing practical solutions in the spirit of Jack Layton. /7
In Roger and Dominic's time we spent much opposing those who wished to "nationalize the means of production", as well as many others with other baseless, conspiratorial, anti science/conspiratorial ideologies that were in opposition to federal and NB party policy. /8
When doing so, we were called "undemocratic", "autocratic", and were opposed vehemently by all means except those that were democratic and available within the constitution, by a small fringe (because that would have required work and signing people up) /9
We brought many new folks to the NDP & filled roles within the structures of the party, and yet, they were called "fake" members by these types. We were accused of "stacking" the council (though it had been previously mostly vacant). The hostility soured many new members. /10
This 2020 campaign is the end throes of that; when those are the only ones left. As some1 who still identifies as a New Democrat in spirit, I am saddened that there's no longer an NDP in NB to represent the people we recruited and worked to help. It is dire and I feel bad. /END
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