here’s a list of calming websites i’ve saved over the years that i use when i get anxious
do nothing for two minutes: there’s a timer for 2 minutes & it tells you to relax and listen to the waves. if u touch the screen it restarts 
create your own nebula: basically just choosing from certain colors and drawing/creating a nebula. i really like it
100,000 stars: this ones my favorite!! u can basically zoom really far into or out of a galaxy and go to other ones. when u click a star or a planet it gives info on it!! i really really really like this one i use it a lot 
love is all: i’m not sure how to explain this one but i’ve found it works better on desktop rather than mobile so just a warning. i think it’s a story about light (as an entity) escaping darkness 
weave silk: u can make art with silk i guess ? i’m not sure how to explain it but i like it a lot (there’s an app too so i suggest using desktop if u don’t wanna download it) 
liquid particles: u move ur mouse and these colorful particles follow it its rly nice
thisissand: this ones an app but u can create sand art!!!!!! 
sell me something weird or confusing: it’s like the one above bc u click it and it takes u to a random thing u can buy on ebay but the object makes literally no sense (this ones more funny than calming) 
smash the walls: u click and it well. smashes the walls. (i guess it would be considered an straining to the eyes depending on how fast u click) 
pointer pointer: u tap the screen and it loads up a random picture of someone pointing in the direction of ur cursor (again this one isn’t rly calming but it’s entertaining) 
drawing garden: OOOH i love this one!! u click the emojis and they turn into plant/vegetable emojis and play a little tune it’s so cute 
omfgdogs: this ones pretty useless (+ eyestrain warning) but it’s cute and it makes me happy ☹️☹️ u press play and it’s a gif of pixelated dogs running w a cute song playing 
zoom quilt: it just zooms reeeeeally really far into this picture (quilt? i’m not sure) and it’ll like go through a forest and a city and it’s so cool all u have to do is sit back and watch it 
pixel thoughts: u type a confession/worry/secret into the box and watch it become a star as it gradually fades away. theres nice music & text that reassures u!! [thank u to @lunaelumena for suggesting this] 
more !! (i’ll add any suggestions to this thread dw)
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