So I saw this video and have opinions now this is one of those Watchmen things I feel like I need to talk about because as much as he says Doomsday Clock doesn't say anything or if a comic goes on too long it lose meaning I have to say...bullshit. But let's talk about it.
People often think of Watchmen when they look at it as this great denouement of superheroes and they are bad people, look at the politics and people sometimes don't get why Watchmen was created and honestly it's kind of cynical in it's own way.
See Watchmen at the end of the day is a comic meant for normies to show them that comics can tell any story. That is it, and we can see guess what it got people into comics, you see it's meant for people to look at go "Wait comics can have sex and violence in them? and maturity?
This isn't to say at all Watchmen was the first to do it, but comics always has a chip on it's shoulder about it's maturity and how people look at it. and the fact that Quinton didn't go into that fact when talking about Zack Snyder is a little insane. He got rid of the underwear
Alan Moore might be a great writer sometimes but even his work is not always political, and the politics in Watchmen are meant to get people talking but there is also another thing that Quinton really over looks about the work and intention.
Your supposed to debate it, here's the thing the reason the story ends the way it does is meant to make you think and come up with your own answers the comic is trying to be mature in the fact that it's saying nothing is black and white. See about telling any story?
But the most annoying thing about the video is that he says your not supposed to like the characters and well that isn't true either. When Moore wrote it he did intend you to relate to Rorschach otherwise why does issue 6 exist?
See the issue 6 stuff is kind something critics don't like to talk about when complain about people who Rorschach the issue is meant to make you understand how someone could become like him. He gives you a scenario where honestly despite me being a calm dude...I think I would.
I mean imagine being presented with that scenario. It's you alone with a man who killed a little girl and fed her to dogs. What would you do? That's what Watchmen is about, asking a tough question and then you having to think about it.
and what I hate most about the video, isn't not even him even thinking in terms of not black and white, he just calls the Watcmen all assholes, and yeah but I hate him shaming people for liking characters.
Like oh Hanibal Lectur funko pop, oh people like awful characters....on the humanity of liking characters and maybe wanting merch of them. Dear god this is the worst. Gag me, dear god his stupid Plush version of him made that video unwatcable.
Like he's trying to respond to a certain fan and I'm going to talk about Watchmen now, the comic is 30 years old now, it's not sacred ground anymore to me. If a writer wants to comment on it, frankly he should be free too and either fuck up or any number of things.
Hell Watchmen isn't even a direct attack on the politics of it's day. I mean it deal with Nixon who was out of office for 12 years at that point and it was Regan, still relevant but this would be like me making a comic with George W Bush still around you know.
But he's also say the each character in Watchmen is a political idea and if that is the case while every political idea sucks, because you have Dan who means well but ineffectual, then you have Ozy who blows up New York to save the world.
Here's the thing Watchmen has politics in it yeah, it's inform it, but they also present a world that is on the edge of annihilation where the only solution is we send a psychic space squid based on Cthulu mythos stuff to get people to get along.
But what Quinton is complaining about is superhero comics and movie having no relevance to the current day. While that would be nice that is often harder then people think now especially.
First most controversies except for some only last a week to a month and comics are often made and movies made month to years beforehand. Now six months might as well be years.
We live in an era where media ages quicker then most, and if you tie it down we can even spot when something happen to the year now with media. We all know what year this comic right here was published.
You see what I mean but here's why I don't like Quiton video is that he implies works that are relevant on comment on relevant topics are the only superhero comics that are worthwhile.
Look at the end of the day the most relevant important comic is the one you as a reader decide on. To me I find If this be my destiny to be a more important Superhero story then Watchmen. Because the message of not giving up and pulling through helped me.
and yeah that is kind of generic but they it told it to me made it stick with me. and that's what is, any story can have any message you just have to tell it well. and that is how it sticks.
So yeah and look at the end of the day it sucks when a corporation does whatever it wants with a work but at the end of the day you ignore the bad stuff but I will also say this, I hate for another reason this video because it makes Watchmen this sacred cow.
Watchmen is not the only comic that matter and him implying that it's this crown jewel that people don't get really is the type of gatekeeping that sucks. Because it's tells you there is nothing else worth reading.
Man I should just recommend comics worth reading.
*The Incal
*The life and Time of Scrooge Mcduck
*Quantum and Woody
like the medium has so much to offer and him just being like "superhero comics go on too long" just is the worst.
and if Quinton really wanted to make his point, so many comic creator have either done riffs on Watchmen, or responses that it's very hard to say comic writer don't get Watchmen, because most do because it had such a big splash on the medium.
Grant Morrison even did a deconstruction of Watchmen. By saying that maybe trying to take apart something for something so cynical might not be a good thing. Maybe it should be okay for fiction to what it is.
There is a lot of reasons this video sucks, it's a bitch simple take on Watchmen. Everyone is bad, so you should not like then and if you do that implies your a bad person. This of course means that I'm going to call him shit for dissing the JSA.
Oh Doomdays clock brought back the JSA who only five people care about....not like there is a tv show out there that uses them that people seem to like....doesn't matter that for a decade it was one of DC's most popular books.....just five people.
just five people who like the mediums first superhero team...yup the JSA are not as important as Watchmen....nope. They don't matter....FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YOU!
You want to know who keeps people out of comics? It's the quinton types, the ones who go and look at the comic medium as the 90's or Marvel and DC, they don't tell you shit about it while going on about how Watchmen is important.
Comic media people have no evolved past these talking points but and I get it they still effect things to an extent, but they also don't help by pointing people to alternatives or outliers. Even mainstream ones.
Man Quinton is so shit at his job he can't even find an anti cop comic which oh boy you can find them pretty easily if you know where to look. Hell read Warren Ellis works if you can get past him liking young goth girls and being a weird creep.
Like you know the reason why I chose to talk about Sandman Mystery theater over Sandman? Which you should read. Because people know it but not a lot of people might know about Mystery THeater and I could help someone find that good book they love forever.
Watchmen is 30 years old actually 34, when it came out comics where in a different place and comic are also in a different place. While I love it we need creators to comment on it and say it's influence might not be the best anymore. Which Doomsday clock tries at.
it falls on it's face but I'm not mad at it, honestly Watchmen was about trying to make comics mature, and Doomsday clock is a comic response to it for better or for worse. It's talking about it's influence on DC comcis and that is something important to me.
Because Watchmen wasn't trying to comment on the world, I know right, it was trying to comment on superheroes and now we live in a time where Watchmen has been around so long that yeah people are going to respond to it. and use those characters. 34 years of it.
and this brings me to my final point This is the most unoriginal take on Watchmen in video I've seen. This is something critics have said for years! Like honestly the most painful thing, I could not see one ounce of originality from Quinton on this subject.
If your new to comic criticism, well let's start you at 1990 and see if anything changes. Seriously the biggest thing besides my never ending hatred for him dissing the JSA is his impressive lack of actual unique opinion.
Like comics fans are a biased and superstitious lot but if you want this look at Comics alliance or dig into CBR's archive of articles. Hell look at mainstream reviews of Doomsday clock it's like watching a man condense 12 opinions with no new spin.
Anyway the comic medium needs to move past respecting Watchmen on everything, and also be allowed to move on. I'm sorry people digging it up, but it's kind of nice for one reason, maybe people might stop giving a shit about it and read other comics.
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